

Top five things that I absolutely adore...

I pretty much don't have anything to write about tonight so you get this list.

(1) SHOES! Specifically, clearance shoes. Do you know how great a feeling it is when you pick up a pair of new shoes for like 8 bucks??? It's like winning the lottery! I LOVE IT! You can ask T, every time we go to a store, I HAVE to look at the shoe section. And usually I end up with at least two pairs though....I have a hard time saying no to shoes.

(2) Cookies...oh lordy, do I love my cookies. Did I ever tell you that my first word was "cookie"? Yeah, didn't even care about the "mama" or "dada" of it all -- it was ALL about the cookies. In fact, the other day, T and I bought one of those buckets of Nestle cookie dough, and I have been eating just the dough, and T has been getting really mad about it ("Just make the dang cookies!"). Okay, but here's my stipulation on cookies -- they can't have nuts, and they usually have to be somewhere in the genre of peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies or snickerdoodles. (Oh, and this is a hint for anyone that knows me in "real life", just FYI)

(3) Clean clothes, particularly on T. I love when I give him a hug, and all I can smell is a mix of cologne and laundry detergent....oh.my.heavens. I am so in love. Oh, and just to add onto the clean clothes fun, I have to change my clothes like four times a day due the nature of my daily schedule (see: go to PT, come home and get ready for day, go workout, shower, pajamas, plus any other nightly activities such as dates, etc.). I love being able to pull clothes out of my closet and have them be ready to wear. Unfortunately, I am not too great at laundry -- that's why we have T around. ;)

(4) Good friends. Okay, so I'll be honest. I didn't really understand the value of this one until the last few weeks. Lately, I have been feeling very lonely in the friends section of my life because I sometimes feel like everyone I am friends with is because I met them while doing some other kind of required activity. I know that isn't necessarily true with every friend that I have, but like a said before, I am PMS-ing, and it's just been a particularly bad week. No worries, though, I'm pretty much over it, and the world is rainbows and sunshine again. Seriously though, in the past few weeks, I have made some of the best friends I think I've ever had. These two girls are from a show that I am doing called Thoroughly Modern Millie at a local theater, and really, we didn't become friends until the last few weeks. One of them is going through some hardships right now in her life, and I think that has really brought us together as friends. Plus the other one cracks me up to no end, and our pile of inside jokes from Millie are endless. (LL: "woe is me"). I love these girls, and they better keep in touch with me after we close the show next week! *shakes fist*

(5) Lastly, I love my husband. I know, I talk about how much I love him ALL THE FREAKING TIME but seriously, it's real. And sometimes people get confused about that because they say, "Well, you got married when you were 20. There's no WAY you can be that happy." To all of you that think that, I say this: I do not recommend getting married young for every single person. It goes well for some, and not so good for others. For us, however, we had known each other for 4 years already and it was the next step. We basically went through all of our "first year trials" in the first 4 years, so our first year of marriage was a breeze. Okay, that's relatively speaking. Of course there are disagreements, but we love each other so we made it work.
Anyway, I'll stop yapping on about my husband -- but seriously, I love him.

So there are my loves. What do you love and absolutely can't live without?


Connie said...

Great List!

I love coffee, red wine, chocolate, Super Target, my hubby, hearing my son say 'i wuff u' and when my daughter lays her head on my chest.

I can not/will not live without Mountain Dew and Cream. And Scrubbing Bubbles. That is all.

And my iPhone. I think that is everything.

Oh and my SIster! and my parents. But that is it.

Loralee Choate said...


Of course we're going to stay in touch. (Although, you may have to deal with the fact that I will say, "Go Army!" a lot. Heh)

Loralee Choate said...




Anonymous said...

cookies are AWESOME.